Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP) is committed to providing a friendly, comfortable, and welcoming virtual event environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, age, gender identity, or any other demographic group. We expect all attendees, media, speakers, ASIP staff and volunteers, vendors/contractors, guests, and exhibitors to take an active role in providing a safe and positive experience for everyone by conducting themselves in a professional and lawful manner.

Unacceptable behavior can take many forms, including words, messages, posts within a virtual or social media platform, or actions. For example, intimidation, unwelcome sexual advances, or abusive or vulgar language. Such behavior from any participant in an ASIP activity, attendees, users of online services, media, presenters, ASIP staff and volunteers, vendors/contractors, guests, and exhibitors, will not be tolerated.

Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately. If a participant is found to have engaged in unacceptable behavior, the ASIP Executive Officer will determine appropriate action to be taken, if any, which may include expulsion from the ASIP activity, without refund, and/or contacting local law enforcement authorities. The ASIP Council may consider the matter for additional action.

While we cannot influence behavior outside of the virtual platform, we expect all participants at ASIP virtual events and meetings to abide by this Code of Conduct in all venues, including whatever virtual platform being used, ancillary events and all social gatherings. All participants are responsible for their own conduct. Anyone who is the recipient of unacceptable behavior should feel free to speak up without any fear of retaliation.

Expected Behaviors Include:

  • ASIP holds its collegial community in high value. Do your part to give everyone you encounter an enjoyable experience so they remember you and the meeting favorably.
  • Exercise consideration and respect in your speech, written text and actions.
  • Abstain from all demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and language when communicating with others.
  • Respect the fact that slides and e-posters may include unpublished work so if a speaker or author requests that slides or posters not be “photographed,” do not download, take a screen shot, photograph or video your screen, or otherwise retain them.
  • Do not video, audio, or otherwise record presentations.
  • Slides and/or handouts available within the virtual platform may be downloaded for non-commercial use. Scientific integrity mandates that speakers and authors be acknowledged.
  • Registrations are for individual access. Please do not share or broadcast the meeting to a group or share your platform login access with anyone else.
  • Be mindful of your fellow participants. Alert the ASIP Meetings Department ( if you notice behavior that violates this Code of Conduct.

Unacceptable Behaviors Include:

  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning speech or actions by any participant at all related events.
  • Harmful or prejudicial verbal or written comments or visual images related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, or other personal characteristics.
  • Use of provocative and/or sexual images, including in presentation slides, posts within a virtual or social media platform, and in exhibit booths
  • Intimidation in any form, such as virtual stalking
  • Unwelcome or uninvited attention or contact
  • Real or implied threat of harm of any type, including physical, professional, or financial
  • Retaining, by any means, slides, presentations, or posters when the presenter/author requests “no photography” or otherwise indicates this directive.
  • Disruption of sessions or other events
  • Failure to follow the directives of the session moderators or ASIP staff

What To Do If You Observe or Experience Conduct That Violates this Code of Conduct:

Anyone who is the recipient of unacceptable behavior should feel free to speak up without any fear of retaliation. If you wish to report discrimination or harassment you have witnessed or experienced, you may do so by contacting:

William B. Coleman, PhD
Executive Officer
Cell Phone: (919) 818-6198

Lisa McFadden, CMM
Director of Scientific Meetings
Cell Phone: (202) 498-0197

You are also encouraged to write down as many relevant details as you can recall (e.g., names, dates, times, locations, behavior or statements made, etc.), which can be helpful in filling out a report later if needed.

ASIP will maintain your confidentiality except where doing so would compromise another person’s rights or ASIP’s ability to conduct a thorough investigation. In such cases, ASIP will limit disclosure only to that information necessary to ensure proper investigation and compliance with procedures.  No retaliation will be taken or tolerated against anyone who makes a good faith report of discrimination or harassment.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior:

Unacceptable behavior from any participant at the PISA 2020 Virtual Meeting, including attendees, sponsors, contractors, volunteers, vendors, venue staff, guests, and anyone with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated. Anyone asked to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.

If a participant engages in unacceptable behavior, ASIP staff may take any action they deem appropriate, including removal from the PISA 2020 Virtual Meeting, without refund, and/or future ASIP meetings. Egregious or repeated violations will result in more severe sanctions, including termination of society membership, if applicable, contacting the violator’s employer, and or the possibility of reporting the incident to local law enforcement.